Tag: Japan

Treasure Hunting in Arita

Treasure Hunting in Arita

Treasure Hunting in Arita  was dream come true. I love Japanese ceramics and porcelain.  Many years ago, trips to the now defunct Oriental City were a wonderful respite from  toiling away in a laboratory. Years later, my already decent Japanese tableware collection was supplemented by 

Okawachiyama, the Beautiful Village of the Secret Kilns

Okawachiyama, the Beautiful Village of the Secret Kilns

When you love Japanese ceramics, visiting Saga Prefecture on Kyushu Island is highly recommended. I studied in Nagasaki this year , so a trip to the kilns of Arita and Imari was pretty high on my wish list. When I wrote my Japanese Ceramics Dream trip 

The Tasty Tea of Sonogi on Kyushu Island

The Tasty Tea of Sonogi on Kyushu Island

Now that I had successfully made it to the University of Nagasaki, I spent my first two weeks there studying, venturing out on trips inside the city only. Then my husband came to visit, so we hired a car and went to explore the countryside. 

My lovely Koyasan Trip

My lovely Koyasan Trip

On my third trip to Japan, I was in a pensive state of mind. Koyasan would be just the right place to visit. Freshly dumped, having a difficult time at work. For a week, I just wanted to see temples, shrines and enjoy some quiet 

Thank You Japan Airlines! Japan Airlines refunds due to COVID-19

Thank You Japan Airlines! Japan Airlines refunds due to COVID-19

Japan Airlines refunds due to COVID-19 are, in my experience straightforward, fair and don’t take long to process.  I would like  to thank Japan Airlines for their responsible handling of the Coronavirus travel restrictions and flight cancellations. This goes to show that with so many