Tag: culture travel

Bauhaus Dessau – the best place to visit for Bauhaus Architecture

Bauhaus Dessau – the best place to visit for Bauhaus Architecture

Inspired by a recent visit to Weimar… and the Bauhaus 1.0, I thought I can drag out some local wisdom and and write a Bauhaus Dessau guide on visiting Bauhaus sites in Dessau, of which there are plenty! Dessau, and sadly the sites of the 

Conques Abbey: Romanesque, Romantic and Starkly Modern

Conques Abbey: Romanesque, Romantic and Starkly Modern

Summer 2020… we went on a somewhat different holiday. Conques Abbey was a station of our little road trips to get to know Occitaine  a little better. We had not seen my in-laws for nearly a year, and as soon as travelling rules were relaxed 

Splendid Sunday in London

Splendid Sunday in London

When did I last spend Sunday in London? Too many to count after all, I once lived there – but not in many years! But as I woke up after a nice deep sleep at the Latvian Centre, I never felt more like a tourist 

London in 36 hours

London in 36 hours

Is London in 36 hours pure idiocy? It was all I had. Last time I visited London, it was August 2020.  I travelled to attend a funeral for my former partner, one which I hoped would not happen for at least another 20 years.  Due 

My Visa-free Russia Trip

My Visa-free Russia Trip

Now that I have returned from Russia, I cannot wait to give you the full report on my visa-free Russia trip! I booked this a few months ago when I figured out I can visit Russia without a visa, if only for a relatively short 

Bukhara the Noble: My two day Bukhara guide and useful tips

Bukhara the Noble: My two day Bukhara guide and useful tips

At the beginning of the year, it did not dawn on me that I would be writing a two day Bukhara guide – but and opportunity arose, and the Silk Road has long been on my wish list of place to visit. Before I knew 

Skirting the seaside in Kep and Kampot or:  Two Stubborn Cows in Cambodia (Travels with my Godmother)

Skirting the seaside in Kep and Kampot or: Two Stubborn Cows in Cambodia (Travels with my Godmother)

While hardly any one of us is able to travel, this may be a time to shamelessly wallow in memories – of travels past. This time, let me take to you Kep and Kampot.  Who cares whether there’s any hard practical info that’s still relevant 

Music, Wine and Beton Brut – at least three reasons to visit Moldova

Music, Wine and Beton Brut – at least three reasons to visit Moldova

“I am only here because Moldova is my last country in Europe to visit” my new acquaintance whispered to at the Ballet in Chisinau just before curtains went up. “Really?” I wondered, as the opening rhythms of ‘Spartacus’ thundered from the orchestra pit. “Should  Moldova