How accessible are Biblical Sites from a 1952 Holy Bible ?

How accessible are Biblical Sites from a 1952 Holy Bible ?

It’s Palm Sunday, and I am interrupting the current Far East Reminiscing. While leafing through my bible, I wondered how accessible are Biblical Sites at present – aside from the pandemic situation? As we’re well into a “third” wave here in Germany with a moderate-strict 

Is it safe to visit the Mount of Olives?

Is it safe to visit the Mount of Olives?

In peaceful times, a trip up the Mount of Olives is part of every itinerary of Jerusalem.  The views over the Old City and the Temple Mount are stunning . Wonderful vistas aside, the Mount of Olives is also one of the sites where Jesus 

West Bank Banksies, Walls and Sweet Child Jesus: a Day in Bethlehem

West Bank Banksies, Walls and Sweet Child Jesus: a Day in Bethlehem

Bethlehem: I looked everywhere in my 2011 Bradt Guide, but couldn’t find it. What’s going on with Bethlehem? No wonder… Bethlehem is in the West Bank, one of the three Palestine Territories in Israel. It took me  a little to figure that out – being ignorant, 

How to get to the Mount of Olives on Foot

How to get to the Mount of Olives on Foot

My 2017 post on visiting the Mount of Olives is one of the most read articles on this site, and an question that turns up again and again is whether you can get there on foot. Technically, you can, quite easily (with a bit of