Move almost accomplished!

At the beginning of a new year, we expect to be full of plans, energy and perhaps some resolutions how to do better – or maybe have a full list of them? I hope you had a great start to the new year, and that your plans and wishes will be fulfilled. I started 2018 in the rain with a half-finished bottle of Gaillac sparkling wine, a wet cat and not a firework in sight, but with some of my family, so it was good!
A day later, I started a new job and to make everything really brand-new, I now moved from a free to a self-hosted blog. It’s probably bugged here, there and everywhere, but I am pleased to have managed to move most of my meagre content to this site, dropped the “a” in the middle of my blog name and changed the theme, all after reading “Blogging for Dummies” and a bit of web research. I am planing to move the website for our local cat rescue site which I am administering over the next few weeks, so before I mess up a more important site which does not even belong to me, I did a “practice move”, but I am here to stay! Exporting and Importing was painful and required about fifteen attempts and cutting what little content I had into several portions, and I apologise to you that not all comments appear to have moved, and there are niggles with the theme, but so far I am fairly pleased it worked, on the whole.
Leia wasn’t too pleased that she had to entertain herself today, but I promise it will not happen again.
Please let me know if you see anything that doesn’t look right, and it would be lovely to see you here again!