Travel in Sicily in times of coronavirus – my socially distant summer holiday

Travel in Sicily in times of coronavirus – my socially distant summer holiday

When the main holiday season, here from the beginning of the school holiday in late June to some time in early September came, we were still at home, watching as our government suddenly offered free (!) COVID tests to all travellers.  Many went abroad for 

Flying in Europe during COVID-19

Flying in Europe during COVID-19

For someone who catches the travel bug easily, I have been travelling only a little this year. Flying in Europe during COVID-19 can’t be fun –  or is it not that big a deal? Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, I did travel a bit, including flying 

Florence in high season – mad, bad and dangerous for you?

Florence in high season – mad, bad and dangerous for you?

This mad dog is back from Florence! So, what is Florence in high season like? After seeing to the killer migraine and draining a few humongous blisters, I now want to tell you all about it. Is Florence in high season a good idea? As 

Shopping in Florence: Souvenirs you will actually love

Shopping in Florence: Souvenirs you will actually love

When I recently visited Florence, I had 48 hours, a friends reunion, and travelled with a day pack. Did I have time and room for souvenirs? Oh, yes, of course! Shopping in Florence, or shopping in general, is always part of my travels. As I 

Florence: 10 bites of advice from the mad dog

Florence: 10 bites of advice from the mad dog

Yes, yes, listicles are so great, and lovely for SEO. So I am going to write one, too. It’s not gonna be great, but I promise it will be an easy read.  It might provide you with some useful inspiration about what to do and 

Only mad dogs do Florence in July?

Only mad dogs do Florence in July?

Ooooh yes, dear friends, me, who’ll waffle on endlessly about preferring independent travel without crowds, is going to Florence for a weekend in July. It sounds a bit bonkers. Especially since I always try to take my holidays outside main season and school holidays. But then