“A Red Letter Day”: My 2023 travel year review

“A Red Letter Day”: My 2023 travel year review

So, the end of the year is near… let’s write a wrap-up of  the years travels. The  traditional “between the years” 2023 travel year review. As the title suggests, it was a pretty good one! And, in the words of my teenage favourites, the Pet 

Artificial Intelligence and Blogging or: The bot  went to Ravenna and came back with the ultimate scrumptious word salad

Artificial Intelligence and Blogging or: The bot went to Ravenna and came back with the ultimate scrumptious word salad

The first time I heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and Machine Learning was a while ago. I think when I watched Stanley Kubrick’s “2001” for the first time, I got a better grip on its implications – not in a nice way as those who 

Fabric Shopping in Uzbekistan:  Gorgeous ikat and vibrant colours

Fabric Shopping in Uzbekistan: Gorgeous ikat and vibrant colours

Fabric Shopping in Uzbekistan is brilliant. I mean, definitely if you are into traditional ikat pattern or very glitzy colourful material. I am not going to say visit Uzbekistan for fabrics alone, but if you plan to visit and if you are into sewing or 

A Day in the life of a “German Doctor” – My Dhaka Diary, Part 4

A Day in the life of a “German Doctor” – My Dhaka Diary, Part 4

Aside from getting as much sightseeing in in our spare time, I primarily came to Dhaka to work! And whatever reservations I had in the beginning, I honestly and thoroughly enjoyed my first mission as a doctor serving disadvantaged communities, and if you are in 

The best Eastern German Christmas Goodies

The best Eastern German Christmas Goodies

Some amazing things come from Eastern Germany but are below many people’s radar.  Eastern German Christmas goodies are one such thing, and it is a real shame they are not celebrated worldwide. And as a proud Eastern German, I see it as my job to 

Eastern German Christmas Markets – the best and most underrated Christmas Markets of Germany

Eastern German Christmas Markets – the best and most underrated Christmas Markets of Germany

Hallo! Proud Eastern German here, and now the festive season is approaching, let’s take a look at Eastern German Christmas Markets.  Time to do a post about the most common travel reason to Germany in the cold and dark season: Christmas Markets! Indeed, hardly anyone 

Fabric Shopping in Bursa: From gorgeous silk to beautiful cheap cotton

Fabric Shopping in Bursa: From gorgeous silk to beautiful cheap cotton

As far as I can see, there is no blog post on fabric shopping in Bursa yet – but if you are a sewist and find yourself in Istanbul or the Marmara region, I highly recommend a trip out to Bursa. Bursa is well worth 

My Dhaka Diary, Part 2: Packing for Dhaka

My Dhaka Diary, Part 2: Packing for Dhaka

Fast forward six months from the initial placement offer, I am about to fly to Dhaka for six weeks, where I will live and work in a textile workers district near Dhaka. Before my Dhaka Diary continues to the actual trip, let’s talk about what 

A splendid two week Uzbekistan Itinerary

A splendid two week Uzbekistan Itinerary

Another  Uzbekistan itinerary! Sorry, couldn’t help it. I know I know, there are plenty on the internet already. In fact, this Uzbekistan Itinerary, like most, includes the classic Silk Road destinations of Samarkand, Buxoro and Xiva and starts in Tashkent, but id adds the Fergana 

Hotel Review: The Lodge Hotel, London  – Stylish in  Suburbia

Hotel Review: The Lodge Hotel, London – Stylish in Suburbia

Another London post!  I like to visit London a few times a year, and finding lovely, stylish accommodation that isn’t crazily priced is becoming harder.  My answer to that: The Lodge Hotel.  It involves going out to the suburbs. Doesn’t bother me –  I love 

10 Great Places to Eat in Venice

10 Great Places to Eat in Venice

My 2021 Venice trip was my first respite not just after nearly ten months of lockdown, but also after an intense period where I worked a lot, mixed in with fear of picking up the virus. I had a little bit of money spare and 

Rishton Ceramics: Beauty and Tradition in the Fergana Valley

Rishton Ceramics: Beauty and Tradition in the Fergana Valley

What’s in Rishton? Firstly, it is the centre of ceramics in Uzbekistan. Rishton Ceramics are famous all over Uzbekistan. Moreover, of the ceramics you can buy in many of the tourist places all over Uzbekistan, many are produced in Rishton. The reason for this is 

Hotel Review: Swan Bed and Breakfast, London – Stylish Affordable Suburban Wonder

Hotel Review: Swan Bed and Breakfast, London – Stylish Affordable Suburban Wonder

Where in London will you find a well appointed, private, stylish room for to two just shy of 100 Euro? Impossible? It’s not impossible. Let me tell you. There is the Swan Bed and Breakfast.  Since very few people are reading here and this blog 

On finding Vegetarian food in Uzbekistan – I should be so lucky

On finding Vegetarian food in Uzbekistan – I should be so lucky

Can you find Vegetarian food in Uzbekistan in easily? I would say it is one of the harder countries for me, but then, I have never been to South America or elsewhere Central Asia. So, the answer is, Vegetarian food in Uzbekistan in relatively easily 

The Tasty Tea of Sonogi on Kyushu Island

The Tasty Tea of Sonogi on Kyushu Island

Now that I had successfully made it to the University of Nagasaki, I spent my first two weeks there studying, venturing out on trips inside the city only. Then my husband came to visit, so we hired a car and went to explore the countryside.